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The parent-child relationship has the unique ability to create a platform for the child's future ways of living life and seeing the world. Because of the inherent significance of our relationship with our children, we are the co-creators of their world and the life they set out to lead.

As our children's first love, we can offer them a deep emotional anchoring that stays with them for a lifetime and provides them with the motivation, the capacity, and the wisdom to handle various life situations independently and effectively in the future.

What is Co-Creative Parenting?

Co-Creative Parenting is an approach that acknowledges and respects the dignity of the child's personhood from the very beginning of life. Children are regarded as whole beings whose consciousness and awareness are taken into account in all experiences and interactions.

Co-Creative Parenting establishes a collaborative partnership between the parent and the child as a means of promoting a thriving, joyful, and mutually respectful parent-child relationship.

Co-Creative Parenting helps parents draw on the inherent power of their relationship with their children to bring out every child's utmost potential in the course of their development.

How does Co-Creative Parenting Influence the Parent-Child Relationship?

Co-Creative Parenting helps parents relate to their children in ways that enhance the child's sense of self, strengthen the parent-child bond, and support the child's developmental process in all areas of development. Co-Creative Parents find that their children add a new and wonderful dimension to their lives and their own personal development as individuals. They find ways of turning the challenges of child development into opportunities for healthy emotional growth and seek to have a stronger and closer relationship with their children through every challenging experience. They meet their parenting responsibilities with a sense of competence, peacefulness, and enjoyment. They relate to their children through:

  • Love, kindness, and warmth
  • Emotional responsiveness
  • Healthy communication
  • Respectful discipline
  • Appropriate boundaries
  • Interest and appreciation for the child's inner world

What are Some Characteristics of Children who Grow up within a Co-Creative Parent-Child Relationship?

Children who grow up in a Co-Creative Parent-Child Relationship usually feel understood, loved, valued and accepted for who they are. They usually demonstrate the following qualities:

  • Sense of internal security
  • Self-awareness
  • Emotional balance
  • Empathy
  • Inquisitiveness
  • Creativity
  • Resilience
  • Self-confidence
  • Genuineness
  • Intuitive wisdom

Dr. Haleh Stahl | 499 North Canon Drive, Suite 407, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 | Phone: 310.614.0760 |
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